E-mail: yhe@cnu.edu.cn
l 教育和研究简历
1998.6 - 迄今:2024欧洲杯投注官网,教授(1999-2009期间担任生物系主任/院长;2008-2017年期间担任欧洲杯外围官网副校长)
1) 2002.1 - 2003.6 / 2010.1 - 2010.5:美国杜克大学(DCMB/Biology, Duke University, USA),访问学者
2) 1999.7-1999.10:日本STA Fellowship资助, “日本岩手生物技术研究中心”客座研究员
1996.2 - 1998.6:中科院遗传所“负压室”804组 (现: 中科院遗传与发育所“植物基因组国家重点实验室”),博士后(植物分子遗传)
1988.9 - 1992.7:南充师范学院生物系,讲师、副教授
1985.9 – 1988.7:东北师大生物系,硕士(植物细胞工程)
1982.2 - 1985.7:南充师范学院生物系,助教
1978.2 - 1982.2:南充师范学院(现: 西华师范大学)生物系,学士
l 主要社会兼职
l 科研及教学简介
领导的研究小组在植物逆境应答领域长期聚焦于:1、植物适应环境巨变(如,从水生到陆生、青藏高原隆起、全球气候变暖等)的遗传机制,对孓遗植物藻苔(Takakia lepidozioides)在青藏高原隆起而致极端环境下的适应机制、影响光合真核细胞起源和植物祖先登陆的重大遗传事件、植物产生二氧化碳和甲烷的分子调控机制等,进行了开创性研究。2、NO(一氧化氮)-ABA信号与植物逆境应答。在相关研究领域取得了系列学术成果,本团队为主体并以责任作者身份在Cell, Cell Research, Molecular Plant, PNAS, NAR, Plant Physiology, Sci China C Life Sci, Chinese Science Bulletin等,以及Science(第一作者), Nature, Nature Plants, Nature Communication(合作者)等学术期刊发表研究论文60余篇。
l 主持(独立PI)的主要科研项目
国家“转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项”, 项目号2014ZX0800923B,苔藓等抗干旱主效基因或元件的克隆与功能分析(2014.01-2016.12)
国家“转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项”,项目号2009ZX08009-058B,极端生境藓类抗逆 (干旱等)“主效”基因/调控元件分离及功能验证(2009.06.01-2010.12.31)
国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目号30470879,叶绿体分裂环定位相关基因(minC或类似物)克隆及功能解析(2005.01 - 2007.12)
l 发表的主要学术论文(*通讯作者)
Hu R†, Li X†, Hu Y, Zhang R, Lv Q, Zhang M, Sheng X, Zhao F, Chen Z, Ding Y, Yuan H, Wu X, Xing S, Yan X, Bao F, Wan P, Xiao L, Wang X, Xiao W, Decker EL, van Gessel N, Renault H, Wiedemann G, Horst NA, Haas FB, Wilhelmsson PKI, Ullrich KK, Neumann E, Lv B, Liang C, Du H, Lu H, Gao Q, Cheng Z, You H, Xin P, Chu J, Huang CH, Liu Y, Dong S, Zhang L, Chen F, Deng L, Duan F, Zhao W, Li K, Li Z, Li X, Cui H, Zhang YE, Ma C, Zhu R, Jia Y, Wang M, Hasebe M, Fu J, Goffinet B, Ma H, Rensing SA, Reski R*, He Y* (2023). Adaptive evolution of the enigmatic Takakia now facing climate change in Tibet. Cell, 186(17): 3558-3576
Zhu W, He Y*(2023). α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH): A new balancer between energy metabolism and gene expression in plants. J Integr Plant Biol., 65(8): 1843-1845
Zhang S, Tang K, Yan Q, Li X, Shen L, Wang W, He YK, Kuang T, Han G, Shen JR, Zhang X (2023). Structural insights into a unique PSI-LHCI-LHCII-Lhcb9 supercomplex from moss Physcomitrium patens. Nat Plants, 9(5): 832-846
Lv Q, Han S, Wang L, Xia J, Li P, Hu R, Wang J, Gao L, Chen Y, Wang Y, Du J, Bao F, Hu Y, Xu X, Xiao W*, He Y*(2022). TEB/POLQ plays dual roles in protecting Arabidopsis from NO-induced DNA damage. Nucleic Acids Res, 50(12): 6820-6836
Wang Y, Wang J*, Lv Q, He YK* (2022). ADH2/GSNOR1 is a key player in limiting genotoxic damage mediated by formaldehyde and UV-B in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45: 378-391
Wang X, Feng C, Tian L, Hou C, Tian W, Hu B, Zhang Q, Ren Z, Niu Q, Song J, Kong D, Liu L, He Y, Ma L, Chu C, Luan S, Li L* (2021). A transceptor-channel complex couples nitrate sensing to calcium signaling in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant, 14(5): 774-786
Zhang Y, Zhang X, Cui H, Ma X, Hu G, Wei J, He Y, Hu Y* (2021). Residue 49 of AtMinD1 Plays a Key Role in the Guidance of Chloroplast Division by Regulating the ARC6-AtMinD1 Interaction. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10. 3389/ fpls.2021.752790
Niu GQ, Guo Q, Wang J, Zhao S, He YK*, Liu L*(2020). Structural basis for plant lutein biosynthesis from alpha-carotene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 117(25): 14150-14157
Chen L, Bao F, Tang S, Zuo E, Lv Q, Zhang D, Hu Y, Wang X*, He Y* (2019). PpAKR1A, a Novel Aldo-Keto Reductase from Physcomitrella Patens, Plays a Positive Role in Salt Stress. IJMS, 20, 5723; doi:10.3390/ijms20225723
Xiao L, Yobi A, Koster KL, He Y, Oliver MJ (2018). Desiccation tolerance in Physcomitrella patens: Rate of dehydration and the involvement of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA). Plant Cell Environ. 41(1): 275-284
Zhao M, Li Q, Chen Z, Lv Q, Bao F, Wang X*, He Y*(2018). Regulatory mechanism of ABA and ABI3 on vegetative development in the moss Physcomitrella patens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(9): 2728; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19092728
Wang L, Kong D*, Lv Q, Niu GQ, Han T, Zhao X, Meng S, Cheng Q, Guo S, Du J, Wu Z, Wang J, Bao F, Hu Y, Pan X, Xia J, Yuan D, Han L, Lian T, Zhang C, Wang H, He XJ, He YK (2017). Tetrahydrofolate modulates Floral Transition through Epigenetic Silencing. Plant Physiol. 174: 1274-1284
Niu G, Zhao S, Wang L, Dong W, Liu L*, He Y* (2017). Structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase 2 (ATR2) provides insight into its function. The FEBS Journal, doi:10.1111/febs.14017
Li Q, Zhang X, Lv Q, Zhu D, Qiu T, Xu Y, Bao F, He Y*, Hu Y* (2017). Physcomitrella Patens Dehydrins (PpDHNA and PpDHNC) Confer Salinity and Drought Tolerance to Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01316
Wang J, Wang Y, Lv Q, Wang L, Du J, Bao F, He YK* (2017) Nitric oxide modifies root growth by S-nitrosylation of plastidial glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research, doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.05.012
Lv Q, Wang L, Wang JZ, Li P, Chen YL, Du J, He YK*, Bao F* (2017). SHB1/HY1 Alleviates Excess Boron Stress by Increasing BOR4 Expression Level and Maintaining Boron Homeostasis in Arabidopsis Roots. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00790
Wang X*, Chen L, Yang A, Bu C, He Y* (2017). Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of Developmental Reprogramming in Protoplasts of the Moss Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell Physiol, 58(5): 946-961
Zhang ZW, Luo S, Zhang GC, Feng LY, Zheng C, Zhou YH, Du JB, Yuan M, Chen YE, Wang CQ, Liu WJ, Xu XC, Hu Y, Bai SL, Kong DD, Yuan S*, He YK (2017). Nitric oxide induces monosaccharide accumulation through enzyme S-nitrosylation. Plant Cell Environ, 40(9): 1834-1848
Zhang RJ, Peng WJ, Liu WZ, Li XD* and He YK* (2016). From spore germination to gametophyte development: the culture, propagation and anatomical protonemal structure of Takakia lepidozioides (Bryophyta) in Tibet plateau. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 37 (4): 383-397
Hu R, Xiao L, Bao F, Li X, He Y* (2016). Dehydration- responsive features of Atrichum undulatum. Journal of Plant Research, 129: 945-954
Du J, Wang L, Zhang XC, Xiao X, Wang F, Lin PL, Bao F, Hu Y and He Y* (2016). Heterologous expression of two Physcomitrella patens group 3 late embryogenesis abundant protein (LEA3) genes confers salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biology, 59(2): 182-193
Yuan S*, Zhang ZW, Zheng C, Zhao ZY, Wang Y, Feng LY, Niu G, Wang CQ, Wang JH, Feng H, Xu F, Bao F, Hu Y, Cao Y, Ma L, Wang H, Kong DD, Xiao W, Lin HH, He Y* (2016). Arabidopsis cryptochrome 1 functions in nitrogen regulation of flowering. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 113(27): 7661-7666
Zhou YH, Zhang ZW, Zheng C, Yuan S, He Y (2016). Nitrogen regulates CRY1 phosphorylation and circadian clock input pathways. Plant Signal Behav, 11(9): e1219830. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2016.1219830
Xia J, Wang X, Perroud PF, He Y, Quatrano R, Zhang W* (2016). Endogenous Small-Noncoding RNAs and Potential Functions in Desiccation Tolerance in Physcomitrella Patens. Sci Rep, 2016 Jul 22; 6:30118. doi: 10.1038/srep30118
Xiao L, Yang G, Zhang L, Yang X, Zhao S, Ji Z, Zhou Q, Hu M, Wang Y, Chen M, Xu Y, Jin H, Xiao X, Hu G, Bao F, Hu Y, Wan P, Li L, Deng X, Kuang T, Xiang C, Zhu JK*, Oliver MJ*, He Y* (2015). The resurrection genome of Boea hygrometrica: A blueprint for survival of dehydration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(18): 5833-5837
Zhang F, Han M, Lv Q, Bao F, He Y* (2015). Identification and expression profile analysis of NUCLEAR FACTOR-Y families in Physcomitrella patens. Front. Plant Sci. 6, 642. http://doi.org/10.3389/ fpls.2015.00642
Tian W, Hou C, Ren Z, Pan Y, Jia J, Zhang H, Bai F, Zhang P, Zhu H, He Y, Luo S*, Li L*, Luan S* (2015). A molecular pathway for CO2 response in Arabidopsis guard cells. Nature communications, 6: 6057, doi: 10.1038/ncomms7057
Qin X, Wang W, Chang L, Chen J, Wang P, Zhang J, He Y, Kuang T, Shen JR* (2015). Isolation and characterization of a PSI-LHCI super-complex and its sub-complexes from a siphonaceous marine green alga, Bryopsis Corticulans. Photosynth Res, 123(1):61-76
Xia J, Kong D*, Xue S, Tian W, Li N, Bao F, Hu Y, Du J, Wang Y, Pan X, Wang L, Zhang X, Niu G, Feng X, Li L, He Y* (2014). Nitric oxide negatively regulates AKT1-mediated potassium uptake through modulating vitamin B6 homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 111: 16196-16201
Yuan F*, Yang H, Xue Y, Kong D, Ye R, Li C, Zhang J, Theprungsirikul L, Shrift T, Krichilsky B, Johnson DM, Swift GB, He Y, Siedow JN, Pei Z* (2014). OSCA1 mediates osmotic-stress-evoked Ca2+ increases vital for osmosensing in Arabidopsis. Nature, 514: 367-371
Wang X, Zhou S, Chen L, Quatrano RS, He Y* (2014). Phospho-proteomic analysis of developmental reprogramming in the moss Physcomitrella patens. J Proteomics, 108: 284-294
Wang X, Qi M, Li J, Ji Z, Hu Y, Bao F, Mahalingam R, He Y* (2014). The phospho-proteome in regenerating protoplasts from Physcomitrella patens protonemata shows changes paralleling postembryonic development in higher plants. J Exp Bot, 65 (8): 2093-2106
Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y*(2014). Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot, 65(14): 4051-4063
Bai S*, Yao T, Li M, Guo X, Zhang Y, Zhu S, He Y* (2014). PIF3 is involved in the primary root growth inhibition of Arabidopsis induced by nitric oxide in the light. Mol Plant, 7: 616-625
Liu WZ, Kong DD, Gu XX, Gao HB, Wang JZ, Xia M, Gao Q, Tian LL, Xu ZH, Bao F, Hu Y, Ye NS, Pei ZM, He YK* (2013). Cytokinins can act as suppressors of nitric oxide in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110: 1548-1553
Xiao L, Zhang L, Yang G, Zhu H, He Y* (2012). Transcriptome of protoplasts reprogrammed into stem cells in Physcomitrella patens. PLoS ONE, 7: e35961
Bai S*, Li M, Yao T, Wang H, Zhang Y, Xiao L, Wang J, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Liu W, He Y* (2012). Nitric oxide restrain root growth by DNA damage induced cell cycle arrest in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry, 26: 54-6
Cui S*, Hu J, Guo S, Wang J, Cheng Y, Dang X, Wu L, He Y* (2012). Proteome analysis of Physcomitrella patens exposed to progressive dehydration and rehydration. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 711-726
Wang H*, Jin S, Chen X, Gen X, He Y (2012). Target deletion of the AAA ATPase PpCDC48II in Physcomitrella patens results in freezing sensitivity after cold acclimation. Sci China Life Sci, 55(2):150-7
Xiao L, Wang H, Wan P, Kuang T, He Y* (2011). Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of gametophyte development in Physcomitrella patens. BMC Plant Biology, 11: 177 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/11/177
Wang X, Kuang T, He Y* (2010). Conservation between higher plants and the moss Physcomitrella patens in response to phytohormone abscisic acid: analysis by proteomics approach. BMC Plant Biology, 10: 192 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/10/192
Wang X, Yang P, Zhang X, Xu Y, Kuang T, Shen S*, He Y* (2009). Proteomic analysis of cold stress response in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Proteomics, 9: 4529-4538
Zhang M, Hu Y, Jia J, Li D, Zhang R, Gao H*, He Y* (2009). CDP1, a novel component of chloroplast division site positioning system in Arabidopsis. Cell Research, 19: 877-886
Zhang M, Hu Y, Jia J, Gao H*, He Y* (2009). A plant MinD homologue rescues Escherichia coli HL1 mutant (Delta MinDE) in the absence of MinE. BMC Microbiology, 9: 101 doi:10.1186/1471-2180-9-101
Wang XQ, Yang PF, Liu Z, Liu WZ, Hu Y, Chen H, Kuang TY, Pei ZM, Shen SH, He YK* (2009). Exploring the mechanism of Physcomitrella patens desiccation tolerance through a proteomic strategy. Plant Physiology, 149: 1739-1750
Wang XQ, He YK* (2009). Negative effects of desiccation on the protein sorting and post-translational modification. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 4: 435-437
Xia JC, Zhao H, Liu WZ, Li LG*, He YK* (2009). Role of cytokinin and salicylic acid in plants growth at low temperatures. Plant Growth Regulation, 57: 211-221
Cui S, Hu J, Yang B, Shi L, Huang F, Tsai SN, Ngai SM, He Y, Zhang J* (2009). Proteomic characterization of Phragmites communis in ecotypes of swamp and desert dune. Proteomics, 9: 3950-3967
Xue SW, Yang P, He YK* (2008). Nitric oxide suppresses stomatal opening by inhibiting inward-rectifying K+ in channels in Arabidopsis guard cells. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53: 2156-2159
Hu Y, Chen ZW, Liu WZ, Zhou WW, He YK*(2008). Chloroplast division regulated by the circadian expression of FtsZ and Min genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. European Journal of Phycology, 43: 207-215
Wang X, Yang P, Gao Q, Liu X, Kuang T, Shen S*, He Y* (2008). Proteomic analysis of the response to high-salinity stress in Physcomitrella patens. Planta, 288: 167-177
Wang XQ, Liu Z, He YK* (2008). Responses and tolerance to salt stress in bryophytes. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 3(8): 516-518
Liu C, Zhang Y, Cao D, He Y, Kuang T, and Yang C* (2008). Structural and functional analysis of the anti-parallel strands in the lumenal loop of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II (LHCIIb) by site-directed mutagenesis. J Boil Chem, 283(1): 487-495
Sun MM, Li LH, Xie H, Ma RC*, He YK* (2007). Differentially Expressed Genes under cold acclimation in Physcomitrella patens. J of Biochemi and Mol Bio, 40(6): 986-1001
Liu N, Zhong NQ, Wang GL, Li LJ, Liu XL, He YK*, Xia GX* (2007). Cloning and functional characterization of PpDBF1 gene encoding a DRE-binding transcription factor from Physcomitrella patens. Planta, 226(4): 827-838
Liu WZ, Hu Y, Zhang RJ, Zhou WW, Zhu JY, Liu XL, He YK*(2007). Transfer of a eubacteria-type cell division site-determining factor CrMinD gene to the nucleus from the chloroplast genome in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Chinese Bulletin of Science, 52: 2514-2521
Zhu J, Liu W, Zhou W, Hu Y, He Y (2007). A Nucleus-encoded topological specificity factor PpMinE in Physcomitrella patens has conserved function similar to its chloroplast-encoded ancestor. J Genet Genomics, 34(3): 229-38
Li LH, Wang XP & He YK*(2005). An efficient protocol for plant regeneration from protoplasts of the Moss Atrichum ndulatum P. Beauv in vitro. Plant Cell, Organ and Tissue Culture, 82: 281-288
He Y, Tang RH, Hao Y, Stevens RD, Cook CW, Ahn SM, Jing L, Yang Z, Chen L, Guo F, Fiorani F, Jackson RB, Crawford NM, Pei ZM* (2004). Nitric oxide represses the Arabidopsis floral transition. Science, 305: 1968-1971
Wang D, Kong D, Wang Y, Hu Y, He Y, Sun J* (2003). Isolation of two plastid division ftsZ genes from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and its evolutionary implication for the role of FtsZ in plastid division. J Exp Bot, 54(384):1115-6
He Y, Li J* (2001). Differential expression of triplicate phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase isogenes in the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway of Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta, 212(5-6): 641-7
Mou Z, He Y, Dai Y, Liu X, Li J* (2000). Deficiency in fatty acid synthase leads to premature cell death and dramatic alterations in plant morphology. Plant Cell, 12(3): 405-18
He Y, Liu X, Li J* (1999). Expression of Arabidopsis tryptophan biosynthetic pathway genes: effect of the 5' coding region of phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase gene. Sci China C Life Sci, 42(3): 274-80
He Y, Zhu C, He M, Hao S (1996). Protoplast culture and plant regeneration of Pinellia ternate. Plant Cell Rep, 16(1-2): 92-6
序号 |
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发明人 |
申请号 |
专利号 |
申请时间 |
授权时间授权公告日 |
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1 |
蛋白质PpLEA3-3在调控植物抗逆性中的应用 |
何奕騉,胡勇,包方,张晓晨 |
201710579770.X |
ZL201710579770.X |
2017.07.17 |
2020.05.05 |
C07K14/415(2006.01)I |
欧洲杯外围官网 |
2 |
蛋白质PpPYL2在调控植物抗逆性中的应用 |
何奕騉、胡勇、包方 |
201610912834.9 |
ZL201610912834.9 |
2016.10.19 |
2019.12.13 |
C07K14/415(2006.01)I |
欧洲杯外围官网 |
3 |
蛋白质PLEA3-2在调控植物抗逆性中的应用 |
何奕騉、胡勇、包方、张晓晨、李琦龙 |
201610236686.3 |
ZL201610236686.3 |
2016.4.15 |
2019.04.09 |
C07K14/415(2006.01)I |
欧洲杯外围官网 |
4 |
来源于小立碗藓的miRNA及其应用 |
何奕騉,王晓琴,李靖云,包方,胡勇 |
201410720413.7 |
ZL201410720413.7 |
2014.12.04 |
2017.05.03 |
欧洲杯外围官网,北京农学院 |
5 |
来源于苔藓植物的抗旱蛋白PpLEA3-25及其编码基因和应用 |
吴金霞,张治国,张芊,孙学辉,路铁刚,何奕騉,崔素霞 |
201410001281.2 |
ZL201410001281.2 |
2014.01.02 |
2015.11.18 |
C07K14/415(2006.01)I |
中国农科院生物技术研究所,首都师大 |
6 |
苔藓PpDHN-31蛋白及其编码基因在提高植物抗旱性中的应用 |
崔素霞,何奕騉,路铁刚,李利,张治国,陈希,李幼英,蔺平亮 |
201210263008.8 |
ZL201210263008.8 |
2012.7.26 |
2013.09.04 |
C07K14/415(2006.01)I |
欧洲杯外围官网 |
7 |
苔藓植物耐逆蛋白PpLEA3-17及其编码基因与应用 |
何奕騉,崔素霞,路铁刚,张治国,胡勇,曹保久,宋晓璇,郭士磊,胡家,蔺平亮,宋旸,王丽颖 |
201010599624.1 |
ZL201010599624.1 |
2010.12.13 |
2013.08.14 |
C07K14/415(2006.01)I |
欧洲杯外围官网 |
8 |
植物抗逆性相关蛋白PpLEA3-21及其编码基因与应用 |
路铁刚,何奕騉,崔素霞,张治国,吴金霞,李利 |
201210499844.6 |
ZL201210499844.6 |
2012.11.29 |
2013.11.27 |
中国农业科学院生物技术研究所 |
9 |
植物耐逆性相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用 |
路铁刚,何奕騉,崔素霞,张治国,吴金霞,李利 |
201210107040.7 |
ZL201210107040.7 |
2012.04.12 |
2013.12.18 |
中国农科院生物技术研究所 |