邮箱: liux@cnu.edu.cn
1994 南京大学生物系 学士
1997 北京大学细胞遗传系 硕士
2005 约翰霍普金斯医学院生物物理系 博士
2011 斯坦福大学发育生物学系 博士后
2012 清华大学 2024欧洲杯投注官网 研究员
2018 首都师范大学 2024欧洲杯投注官网 特聘教授
1. Ren, X., Li, R., Wei, X., Bi, Y., Ho, W., Ding, Q., Zhang, Z., Young, A., Tsieh, C., Zeng, J., Liu, X.* and Zhao Z.* (2018) Genomic basis of recombination suppression in the hybrid between Caenorhabditis briggsae and gonochoristic C. nigoni. Nucleic Acids Research 46, 1295. *: corresponding author
2. Li, Y., Zhao, D., Horie, T., Chen, G., Bao, H., Chen, S., Liu, W., Horie, R., Liang, T., Dong, B., Feng, Q., Tao, Q. and Liu, X.*. (2017) A Conserved Gene Regulatory Module Specifies Lateral Neural Borders Across Bilaterians. PNAS 114, E6352
3. Liu, W., Yu, E., Chen, S., Ma, X., Lu, Y. and Liu, X.*. (2017) Spatiotemporal profiling of long intervening noncoding RNAs in Caenorhabditis elegans. Scientific Reports 7, 5195
4. Wei, X., Xu, Z., Wang, G., Hou, J., Ma, X., Liu, H., Liu, J., Chen, B., Luo, M., Xie, B., Li, R., Ruan, J. and Liu, X.*. (2017) pBACode: a random-barcode-based high-throughput approach for BAC paired-end sequencing and physical clone mapping. Nucleic Acids Rsearch 45, e52
5. Ma, X., Zhan, G., Sleumer, M.C., Chen, S., Liu, W., Zhang, M.Q. and Liu, X.*. (2016) Analysis of C. elegans muscle tranome using trans-splicing-based RNA tagging (SRT). Nucleic Acids Rsearch 44, e156
6. Liu, X., Long, F., Peng, H., Aerni, S.J., Jiang, M., Sánchez-Blanco A., Murray. J.I., Preston, E., Mericle, B., Batzoglou, S., Myers, G., and Kim, S.K. (2009). Analysis of cell fate from single-cell gene profiles in C. elegans. Cell 139: 623 - 633
7. Liu, X., C.K. Lee, N.D. Clarke, and J.D. Lieb (2006) Quantification of chromatin contributions to DNA-binding site utilization. Genome Res. 16: 1517 – 1528
8. Liu, X., Noll, D.M., Lieb, J.D., and Clarke, N.D. (2005) DIP-chip: Rapid and accurate determination of DNA-binding specificity. Genome Res. 15: 421 – 427
9. Liu, X. and Clarke, N. D. (2002) Rationalization of gene regulation by a eukaryotic tranion factor: calculation of regulatory region occupancy from predicted binding affinities. J. Mol. Biol. 323:1-8.
“A Conserved Regulatory Network Underlying the Development of Lateral Neural Borders in bilateria”第1界亚洲进化大会,2018年4月18日
“A Conserved Regulatory Network for A Lateral Neural Plate Border Lineage from Worm to Vertebrate”亚利桑那大学神经科学系,2017年2月15日
“A Conserved Regulatory Network for A Lateral Neural Plate Border Lineage From Worm To Vertebrate” 第21界线虫大会生态和进化会场,洛杉矶,美国,2017年6月
2018 北京市高层次人才资助计划
2007 Larry L. Hillblom Foundation Posdoctoral Fellowship
2005 Phi Beta Kappa